Bahru Stainless won International Stainless Steel Forum (ISSF) Silver Medal for Sustainability

It has been an honor as Bahru Stainless recently received a silver medal award in sustainability from The International Stainless Steel Forum (ISSF). ISSF has announced the winners of the Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards in the categories Sustainability and Safety during their 23rd conference (ISSF-23) which was held in Chicago on 23 May 2019. Bahru Stainless was awarded silver medal for recovering metal and treating it as value added metal ingots. Previously, the precious metal (Metal Oxide and Metal Scale Residue) were treated as waste disposal but after practicing the project, the recoverable metal was successfully produced and sent to the stainless steel manufacturer as secondary raw materials. The recovered alloys contain an average of 7.3% Nickel and 8.6% Chromium. As societies move waste management practices up the hierarchy towards recovery, recycling and re-use, Bahru Stainless has played a role in motivating and assisting local waste facilities to be able to develop a new pathway towards an advanced technology level to achieve the potential metal recovery technology. Metal Waste is NOT Waste.